Escape story
Mystery 13th - Part 1

In the search for truth, I seek allies and advocates of happiness. I am going to place a call for this, dear diary.

Voorbeeld van een atribuut in de escape room in Limburg

The madness of my day, who can still be trusted?

The world cannot be fathomed easily. There is an army of players operating. But which players? Who are they and what is their purpose? Do they call themselves the 13th? Why exactly today? Am I not too late? Can I do it alone? All questions, dear diary of mine, that I don't want to just leave to a complete stranger.

After months of research and hidden actions that suddenly caught my eye,
the puzzle pieces fell into place this morning after reading the following post:

My world 'spins', it just depends on how you put the emphasis ... 13 'organizations'.
Of course the people who work there are fine people. Yet I have my doubts about 13 individuals, all sitting in different bodies. My suspicion is that they are also involved in the rise of Bitcoin.

The call for global decentralization is getting louder; but does it come from all world citizens, or is that what the 13th would have us believe? What does it stand for, for the 13th Society?

In the search for truth, I seek allies and advocates of happiness. I am going to place a call for this, dear diary.

This is only the first training session.

Kind regards B. B.

Escape room Limburg attribuut
Spannende escape room in Limburg


  • Will you solve the 9 challenges?
  • Buy a ticket for Mystery 13th - Part I.
  • You will receive an ebook with all the challenges.
  • You can solve these at your own pace.
  • Afterwards, you can check online if you had everything right.