Escape Room Thuis: Print & Play Escape Stories

De beleving van een Escape Room thuis beleven? Iedere Escape Story bestaat uit 9 challenges. Ben jij de persoon die alles goed heeft en alle antwoorden weet te ontcijferen?

Voorbeeld van een atribuut in de escape room in Limburg

Onze Print & Play Escape Stories voor thuis

Met onze Print & Play Escape Stories beleef je de ervaring van een Escape Room thuis. Binnen ‘Mystery 13th’, staat het geheime genootschap ‘The 13th’ centraal. Door de challenges op te lossen kom je erachter ‘wie zij zijn’, ‘wat hun doel is’ en ‘hoe zij kunnen worden tegengehouden’. 

The storyline is based on reality: conspiracies surrounding COVID-19 with theories, some existing and some fiction, ranging from the ancient Egyptians to the rich history of Valkenburg.

Escape room Limburg attribuut


The world cannot be fathomed easily. There is an army of players operating. But which players? Who are they and what is their purpose? Do they call themselves the 13thWhy exactly today? Am I not too late? Can I do it alone?

All questions, dear diary of mine, that I don't want to just leave to a complete stranger.


By now we know that "the 13th" is a secret society. They are deviously trying to undermine ruling authority. Their goal is clear: disruption of the world order, self-interest first, forming an all-dominant clan. 

How to counteract this is my quest!


What exactly does the U.S. "13th Amendment" mean and does it have anything to do with the secret society?

Through my sources of information, I know there are more fellow combatants. 'The 13th' is starting to get sloppy. They are beginning to drop stitches. Now is the time to act.