Our escape rooms
The escape rooms at Mystery House Valkenburg are all based on existing filmed Mysteries left behind in this cursed cinema. Each room has its own theme, its own story, and ... its own solution.
* Escape rooms outside of our regular business hours can be requested through our email info@mysteryhouse.nl (minimum 2 rooms)

OUR Escape rooms
Mystery House is located in the old cinema of picturesque Valkenburg. The escape rooms in Mystery House Valkenburg are each based on old movies, left as curses in the cinema.
Each room has its own theme, its own story,
as well as it's own solution
Een beleving waar je het nog lang over zullen hebben, want alleen door goed samen te werken en elkaars kennis optimaal te benutten kunnen jullie alle hints in de kamer vinden. Lukt het jullie om de raadsels op te lossen en de codes te kraken voordat de 60 minuten weggetikt zijn?



The Lost Flight is based on the story of the first female explorer Amelia Earhart, who caused a furor in the 1930s as the first female pilot to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean.

The Zodiac Killer is the code name of a suspected serial killer from the 1970s who allegedly was active for many years.
Supposedly, because to this day the identity of the Zodiac Killer remains unknown....

Nellie Bly is the pseudonym of the groundbreaking American journalist Elizabeth Jane Cochrane. As a writer, Bly stood up for female workers, but was pushed out to the "women's pages" under pressure.

In the "Master Mind" room, you imagine yourself in occupied Valkenburg during World War II. The cinema is a stronghold of Nazis. As a resistance fighter, you are arrested and detained in the entrance ticket office.

Pieters geheim is een outdoor stadsspel gebaseerd op het verleden van de Bokkenrijders. Een roversbende die vroeger actief was in o.a. Valkenburg. Deze outdoor escaperoom is geschikt vanaf 12 jaar.
3-14 personen
Escape rooms outside of regular hours can be requested through our email info@mysteryhouse.nl. (minimum 2 rooms)
Wat zeggen andere over onze escape rooms?
Wist je dat onze escape rooms perfecte teambuilding spellen zijn? Durven jullie het aan?